Airport System Protection From Intruding Drones

Project ID


Max Grant Amount


Coordinated by


Number of Partners


Countries Involved


Expected Duration

25 Month

Drone intrusions

Drone intrusions at airports regularly hit the headlines and airports are taking measures in the short term to mitigate these, from grounding aircraft when drones are detected to reducing speed of aircraft on approach in order to limit damage in the event of a collision. Drones can therefore have significant impact on airport operations.

Research and Development

Research and development is underway on a broad range of systems that are able to impede such so-called rogue-drone flights over non-authorised areas by detecting and neutralising drones. While innovative, these solutions are not necessarily interoperable or customised with airports environments in mind.

Protect Airport Operations From Unwanted Drones

Partners in ASPRID, aim to develop a service-oriented operational concept and system architecture to protect airport operations from unwanted drones. To do so, the project will analyse aircraft and airport (runway and ground) operations to pinpoint possible vulnerabilities. With this, the project aims to identify possible technologies, procedures and regulations that could help better safeguard against drone incursions and/or can help them recover from any disruptions as quickly and as efficiently as possible. In doing so, the project proposes a more integrated and coordinated approach to handling drone incursions.

Reach out with any question you have
Project Coordinator
Mr. Edgar Martinavarro Armengol

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